Find & vet the best-fit job applicants
before they even get to the interview

Use leadpops to recruit more qualified candidates
(while making them desperate to work with you)

Flag, fast-track, or even disqualify job applicants
through customizable quizzes

Mortgage Email Marketing System

If you’re hiring, you already have too much to do

So… why give yourself the extra work of sifting through first-round job applications?

Instead of manually sorting wrong-fit applicants from dynamite candidates who deserve an interview, use engaging, interactive leadPops quizzes to sort the wheat from the chaff.

You can ask data-entry and “Yes or No” questions like…

  • How many years of experience do you have?
  • Are you licensed in the field? (And if so, what’s your license number?)
  • When did you leave your last position?
  • Are you open to working remotely?
  • What salary range are you looking for?

With these question types, you can designate which responses will flag or disqualify candidates, so you only pass qualified candidates to the next stage of consideration.

Of course, you can also ask open-ended questions, like…

  • Why are you interested in this role?
  • What about your past positions will help you succeed in this new position?
  • What are your hobbies and interests?
  • Who are your heroes in work and life?

You can even allow applicants to upload their résumés!

rebel Paths Mortgage Lead Generation System Dashboard

It’s like handpicking the best applicants…
without using your hands

When you use leadPops to do your recruiting grunt work, you can confidently drive more traffic to your open roles. No matter how many applications come in, you’ll only need to sort through qualified candidates

That means you can spend more time and energy interviewing applicants who make it through the first round — so you can truly find the best person for the job.

Recruit smarter in 3 steps

with leadpops

 Choose and customize a Lead Funnel

 Add Pop-Ups, Sticky Bars, and even full-page Welcome Mats

Segment and nurture your new leads however you see fit.

Is less than a year of experience a dealbreaker for your open role? Looking for candidates who are open to working remotely? Need to make sure all candidates who get an interview have management experience?

Customize your Lead Funnels’ built-in logic to automatically approve candidates for the next round of consideration, and decide how you’d like to handle applicants who aren’t the right fit.

Recruit more qualified candidates

with less legwork

Erika Gaytan Mortgage Advisor
Amazing company to work with!!! leadpops has advanced marketing strategies that I use to boost my business and the business of all of my referral partners; and I especially appreciate how quickly I got the help that I needed so my funnels went live without a hitch. Thanks especially to Lindsay who was so kind and took the time to make sure I had all of my questions answered. I highly recommend leadpops to everyone!

“How does leadPops help simplify hiring?”

After more than a decade of building, selling, and refining leadPops, we’ve identified the key problems our software helps solve.

And while many of our customers use leadPops to generate new sales leads, our tools are also a fantastic way to give job applicants a personal, customized experience from their very first interaction with your business.

Your Problem… How leadpops solves it
You’re hiring for multiple roles or departments, with different staff members overseeing each role Automatically segment and send applicants to the right hiring manager based on their answers to your online application quiz!
You want to encourage a larger pool of candidates, but don’t have the manpower to review every single application individually Easily approve or disqualify candidates based on application data, so you only spend time reviewing folks who meet your requirements
You’d like to self-host the job application process but don’t want to constantly update your website Sidestep design and development slowdowns in favor of high-converting Lead Funnels.
You can add Pop-Ups, Welcome Mats, and Sticky Bars to your existing site to guide potential applicants into your funnels. Or simply use a full-page Lead Funnel in place of any page on your website! (Take that, WordPress.)
rebel Paths Mortgage Lead Generation System Dashboard

Show potential new hires the powerful tools
they’ll have at their disposal

Though it doesn’t get talked about a lot, the job application process is actually a two-way street. At the same time you’re vetting candidates, they’re deciding whether or not they’d actually like to work with you.

When you use leadPops to kickstart your job application process, you’re showing potential new hires not only that you value efficiency and ease — but that these are the kinds of tools you’ll provide for THEM to be successful with you.

Rockstar candidates know their worth. Show them you’re invested in their success from the moment they start applying.

Customize thoughtfully created templates
to encourage application completion

Inside leadpops, you can pick from multiple pre-built Lead Funnels, Pop-Ups, Sticky Bars and more.

Customize any template you like to match your branding, tone, and goals. Decide which (if any) answers will be an automatic dealbreaker, and which will flag the most promising applicants for your attention.

Then publish your leadpops with confidence, and let back-end logic bring your best candidates to the front.

Mortgage Website Leads

Find ideas, inspiration, & guidance
in the leadpops Knowledge Base…

From connecting your domains and getting started with leadpops to step-by-step videos and guides, our Knowledge Base is filled with on-demand resources to help you and your team start recruiting with leadpops right away.

Take a sneak peek at the practical resources
waiting for you inside the Knowledge Base

Plus, treat yourself or your team to crash courses in all areas of marketing, including:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

And why it matters more than ever for your business

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

so you can stop wasting money on ad traffic that doesn’t convert

Effective Websites

AKA how to make the most of the traffic you already have

Better Blogging

because as you know by now, it’s just not enough to publish blogs and cross your fingers

Conversion Optimization & Psychology

 so you know the why behind what you’re doing

And a whole lot more

We add useful content all the time!

Always know exactly how your leadpops are performing

Want the bird’s-eye view? Your Funnel Stats Summary is a useful high-level glimpse at each of your Lead Funnels’ metrics, including:

  • Visitors by day, week, month, or all-timeSee how all of your Lead Funnels are performing at a glance
  • Traffic sources —     Find out which websites or referrers are sending the best-converting traffic to your job application quizzes (and which might be worth scrapping)
  • Funnel completion rates Strike the perfect balance between quality and quantity to bring in more high-quality, completed applications

Instead of a complicated dashboard filled with meaningless metrics, you get insight right away into which messages or offers your audience finds truly compelling.

Mortgage Website Leads

Make potential hires eager to work with you

leadpops’ intuitive, gamified tools
show candidates that you’re invested in their success

Erika Gaytan Mortgage Advisor
Amazing company to work with!!! leadpops has advanced marketing strategies that I use to boost my business and the business of all of my referral partners; and I especially appreciate how quickly I got the help that I needed so my funnels went live without a hitch. Thanks especially to Lindsay who was so kind and took the time to make sure I had all of my questions answered. I highly recommend leadpops to everyone!

Above-and-beyond support from real humans

If and when you need support, the leadpops customer service team is here to help.

We never outsource our customer service. So when you call or email us, you’ll be talking to someone with actual experience using leadPops. (Plus, the great weather in San Diego means we’re always in the mood to go above and beyond.)

We like bowling, burritos,
and helping you build your empire

Mortgage Lead System Dashboard

“We were already using leadPops on the front end.
Now that we’re using it in HR too, we’re recruiting more qualified candidates than ever”

or just 

Bringing in excellent applications is just the beginning
of what leadpops can do